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441 Hawkeye St.

Osceola Civic Center

441 Hawkeye St.

Osceola, NE 68651

(402) 747-8227


Contact the Osceola City Office (402) 747-3411 for information on renting the space for meetings or events.


Osceola Senior Center

Becky Hays, Manager

441 Hawkeye St.

Osceola, NE 68651

(402) 747-8227


The Osceola Senior Center is a central hub for support groups, social clubs, civic and various club meetings, numerous forms of education and assistance, games, entertainment, fundraising efforts, birthday and anniversary celebrations, and holiday and community social gatherings of all kinds.  The center offers monthly blood pressure checks, congregate and home delivered meal service in conjunction with many generous volunteers from within our community.  

Congregate and home delivered meal program meals are served Monday through Friday and supplied by Midwest Covenant Home in Stromsburg. The Osceola Senior Center even offers ‘home delivered’ meals on the weekends supplied by the Osceola Good Samaritan Center. We have holiday meals, special meals and potluck meals when there is enough interest.  Please let us know at least day in advance if you would like to join us or get a take-out order on regular meal days at (402) 747-8227.

Information on nutrition programs is available as well as information and access to exercise programs.  We offer free blood pressure checks by Polk County Health Department which are held on the first Tuesday of the month from 9:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Pool and pitch tournaments are held each month, alternating locations, in the four centers in Polk County.  

We would love to have you join us!! Everyone is welcome!! We have coffee, pool and cards daily. Come on down!!!


PO Box 701, 350 N. State St.

Osceola, Nebraska 68651

Phone: 402-747-3411

Fax: 402-747-8191

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